LASIK Surgery Risks and Benefits


Some complications can result from surgery. For example, some patients may experience higher-order aberrations after surgery. These are mild visual disturbances that a doctor can not see during a regular eye examination. There is some controversy about the effects of LASIK on higher order aberrations, many doctors still do not clear the exact impact that lasik procedures have on these, if better or worse.

However, others suggest that other visual disturbances, com spherical aberration may be the result of Lasik or PRK procedures. However, there are new technologies that provide increased capacity surgeons to correct as necessary and to adjust the tendency to under or over correction, which practically leads to the elimination of the problem.

Early complications may include the development of DLK or DLK, although this condition usually resolves on treatment. However, without treatment, can cause permanent vision loss, so it will always follow-up examinations. Problems after infection occurs in approximately 1% or less of patients after surgery. The side effects which most commonly reported include dry eyes or glare product of the surgery. Fortunately, doctors can use some new equipment to also address this problem, commonly associated with people with larger pupils than average.


Most patients are extremely pleased with their LASIK results. LASIK eye surgery benefits include improved visual activity, freedom from corrective eyewear, and possibly new career opportunities. Patients who achieve a successful LASIK outcome can eliminate their need for glasses or contact lenses, and enjoy the freedom of clear vision at all times. Patients can play sports, swim, spend a day at the beach, and participate in various activities without the restrictions that glasses and contacts bring. LASIK eye surgery is a safe and effective.

LASIK provides most of the patients the opportunity to see better than he could in his life. All for the price of a short period of disorientation or discomfort. Recovery time is very short and the pain associated with surgery most often is minimal. Most patients also experience very pocoas complications if adequate consideration before the surgery ... but since there are complications, it is better to talk about it.

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